Chrono Trigger Endings

The programmers room can be reached two ways, the first is when Chrono first goes to the fair and meets his friend Lucca(the inventor) when he is supposed to go onto the teleporter on the left, go on the one to the right and push 'A'(I think, you have to push one of the 4 buttons any way). Doing this will take you to the last boss, its impossible to beat it at level 1 with just Chrono(it might be possible if you got Chrono up to a high level(99?)and did New Game+). However, you can do this later in the game if you come back to the same spot, but I'm pretty sure at one point you can't do that anymore.Anyway, kill all three forms of Lavos and you win the ending with the Programmers. All it is is that you go to the end of Time and can enter the pillars of light which will send you to different points in the game. Talking to the monsters will let you see what the programmers would say.
The other point is when you meet Lavos and you are supposed to be killed by him, if you kill him and the other two forms, you will also get the ending.

Chrono Trigger Endings


Chrono Trigger Endings Guide


A listing of the twelve endings in Chrono Trigger (Super NES, SNES, PlayStation, PS, PS1, PSX, Virtual Console) and how to find each one.

Chrono Trigger Endings List

This is how to get the many endings of Chrono Trigger. Choose the one you like best. Ending 01 Beyond Time Beat Lavos at the end of the game. Ending 02 Reunion Beat Lavos while Chrono is 'dead'. Ending 03 The Dream Project Beat Lavos in the Black Omen OR right after Marle Ending 04 The Successor of Guardia Beat Lavos as soon as you return from. The intro and ending in particular are things of beauty, with the latter even hinting at the story of Chrono Cross. An “Extras” menu was also added, allowing the player to watch the animated cutscenes or listen to the soundtrack upon completing the game, along with a bestiary, item encyclopedia, ending log, and more. Method: Any except Ocean Palace, defeating Lavos after re-acquiring Crono.