Transmit Server Closed Connection.

Re: The state server has closed an expired TCP/IP connection

Dec 07, 2018 04:12 PM|Koenemoes|LINK

Really what i need to know from this forum, is if there is a setting in windows disconnecting me from the server after being idle. Aside from the normal power saving options that turn off the network card. I have the server set up to always on, network connection always on, and ONLY turn off monitor after 3 minutes. I'm writing a simple TCP client, based on QTcpSocket and managed by a QStateMachine (connect to server - transmit data - if disconnected for any reason, reconnect to server). I noticed that if the connection is shut down on the server side (client is notified with RemoteHostClosedError), after reconnection the QTcpSocket write method. Yes I also saw the bytes received and sent and then connection was closed. I am trying to set up SFTP from SERVERA to SERVERB. Users on these servers are different. So I have generated the pub/private keys for USERA on SERVERA. I then SFTP'ed the PUB file for USERA on SERVERB using password and copied this public file to authorizedkeys file.

We have had this issue for a couple of months at seemingly random times and levels of severity. Last week I finally got the extra hint from a seemingly unrelated event.

We also saw a 100% CPU spike on at least 1 IIS app pool which brings down the whole server after a while.

IISRESET was our only solution and this would work.

Long story short: it happened during WSUS updates of our dc's. The AD resync after rebooting them took longer than the configured time window of 1 hour.

So the situation could arise that both DNS servers were offline -> so also no AD

State server was configured as 'localhost', would not have had this issue. I check by disassembling webengine4.dll. It returns something like 'connection closed by remote host' HRESULT 72746.

But system.web interprets this as the session being locked by a concurrent query and keeps retrying at full speed. This created an infinite loop of failing socket connections PER SESSION!

And that is why cpu got to 100%. It fills up the request queue, still waiting for the session data and then fajils completely with http 503 for all appools.

Our logs also showed connection issues to our sql because ad was down.

We were so focussed on the 100% cpu being the cause, but it was only a symptom. The fact that this error logged in event viewer was very misleading in my case.

In the end it was a quick 1 minute fix of the DC. -> no more emergency wake up calls for me :)

This was a perfect storm of timing events and small config mistakes which led to misleading logs and cpu spike by a bug...? Why keep retrying to read the session data if it won't work due to dns. Just end the webrequest there and log sometinhg like: NameResolution Failed instead of connection timeout

If you are getting Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error code issue on your Google Chrome browser on your Windows PC, then check out this below article to find out that how we fix and solve this error code problem. This is one of the most common error problems issues mostly found, faced and seen for the Windows PC users in their Google Chrome internet browser.

Sometimes it’s seen in the Mobile browser too. From this ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error, you cannot go to the website which you are going to open it! This pops-up every so often when a page doesn’t load. When trying to view a site in google chrome, you get this error code message.  From this error, the server unexpectedly closed the connection. This ERR CONNECTION CLOSED error seems that the website verifies the certificate at the server & so refuses a connection to the server.

This shows an error code message like;

This webpage is not available ERR CONNECTION CLOSED

The web page might be temporarily down, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


Causes of Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error Issue:

  • WiFi error problem
  • Corrupted registry entries
  • SSL error problem
  • Google Chrome error issue
  • Android Smartphone Device error
  • HTTPS error issue

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So, here are some guidelines and the top best solutions methods to quickly fixing and solving this type of Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error Code problem from your Windows PC permanently.

Table of Contents

How to Fix & Solve Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error Issue

1. Reinstall your Google Chrome Browser to Fix –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or directly go to the Control Panel
  • Scroll down & go to the ‘Programs and Features‘ option there
  • Click on it and opens it
  • Now, go to the ‘Google Chrome‘ tab &
  • Right click on it & click on the “Uninstall” option there
  • Wait for some minutes to uninstall
  • After completing, reinstall it again
  • After finished, close the tab there
  • That’s it, done

By reinstalling your Google Chrome browser or your browser can also quickly solve this error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED fix chrome android code problem from you.

2. Clear your Internet Browsing Cookies & Caches –

  • Go to your Browser
  • Click on the Settings tab or click on the History option
  • Go to the “Clear Browsing Data” option there
  • Tick the ‘Cookies‘ and ‘Caches‘ options there
  • If you want any more to delete then tick that option too
  • Now click on their drop-down menu
  • Select the ‘from the beginning‘ option there
  • Now, click on the “Clear Browsing Data” button there
  • Wait for some minutes to deleting it
  • Now, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By clearing the browsing data, cookies and the cache of your browser can get rid out of this error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome HTTPS code problem from you.

3. By Assigning DNS (Domain Name System) Address Manually –

  • Go to the start menu & click on the Control panel or
  • Directly go to the “Open Network and Sharing Center” & click on it
  • Now, go to the Properties tab there
  • Now, a pop-up will open there &
  • Click on the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
  • & click on their properties tab there
  • Now, tick the “Use the following DNS server addresses” tab there
  • & change the ‘Preferred & Alternate DNS Server‘ by this following,
    Preferred DNS Server8.8.8.8
    Alternative DNS Server8.8.4.4
  • & tick the “Validate settings upon exit” & tick on OK button there to save
  • Wait for some seconds to save
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By assigning the DNS addresses manually can also fix & solve this error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome fix WiFi code problem.

4. Change Windows Proxy Settings on your PC –

Transmit Server Closed Connection.
  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the PC settings there
  • Click on the ‘Show advanced settings‘ option
  • Now, click on the ‘Network Settings‘ there
  • & click on the ‘Change Proxy Settings‘ option there
  • Now, a Pop-up will open there &
  • Go to the Connections tab there
  • Click on their ‘LAN Settings‘ there &
  • Tick the “Use a Proxy Server for this connection.”
    (These settings will not apply to other connections)
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By changing the windows, proxy settings can also get rid of this error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED fix YouTube code problem from your PC.

5. Run a Full Scan for Malware/Virus on your Windows PC –

Server Closed Connection

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the ‘Microsoft Security Essentials.’
  • Click on it and opens it
  • Tick the ‘Full‘ option to run a full scan of your PC
  • Now, click on the “Scan Now” option there to scan your PC
  • Now, wait for some minutes to scan it
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

By scanning your PC for malware/virus by the Microsoft Security Essentials can quickly fix and solve this error ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome SSL code problem.

These are some top best tips and tricky methods to get rid out of this Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error code problem from your google chrome browser on your PC entirely. Hope it will surely help you to get back from this ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED error problem.

Transmit Server Closed Connection

Also, read;

If you are facing this Network ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Chrome Error code problem or any problem while fixing it or facing any problem, then comment the problem below so that we can fix it too by out tricky solutions methods.

If you liked this or it will help you to get rid out of this error problem then share it too ..!!

Wow! your article is really great with detailed information. It is really very helpful for us.