Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excel

  1. Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excel
  2. Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excellent
  1. All dates are in fact numbers in Excel, just displayed with formatting that makes them appear as dates to humans. Try to change the Number Format for a date in Excel. For example, you will find that 2 January 2004 is actually the number 37,988.
  2. I have a macro enabled spreadsheet that I have used for the last 5 years and when 2020 started, in the date column, every time you enter a 2020 date it errors with 'incorrect format please enter mm/dd/yyyy' I've tried everything I can. Any one else have this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.
In this lesson I'm going to teach you how to overcome formatting errors when you input data to excel sheet from a text box, combo box etc.

This video help people to solve date format problem. Sometime date does not display properly in excel. If date: then you will see.

Here is a my own experience. Once I had a date value 01/08/2014 in one of text box of a user form.I got that value to the text box from a date picker. So it was in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excel

So the above date refers to 1st of August 2014.2016
Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excel However when data entered to the excel sheet it took the form of 08/01/2014Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excel
So now it refers to 8th of January 2014
If you face this kind of situation here below is the solution.Just format the value using Format function before input data to the sheet.
Here txtDueDate is the name of the text box. Below example enters date value to cell E3 of worksheet('Data')

Solved%3a Date Format Issue Excellent

Dim WS as worksheet
set WS=worksheets('Data')
Dim DDate As Date
DDate = Format(txtDueDate.Text, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
WS.Range('E3').Value = DDate