Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning

There are some verbs in English that combine with propositions or adverbs to gain new meaning. Such

  1. Phrasal Verbs With Meaning
  2. Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning English
  3. Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meanings
  4. 100 Most Common Phrasal Verbs List With Meaning In Malayalam
  5. What Is A Phrasal Verb
Verb + Proposition or

Note down the phrasal verbs and the meaning in it. So that you can prepare it regularly at free times. This practice will help you to easily memorize the phrasal verbs and their meaning. Use the same notes for the revision purpose at the exam time. Phrasal verbs from A to Z list free to download in PDF. Phrasal verbs are an important part of learning the English language. Use this list when you don't understand what the phrasal verbs means. For English to Malayalam translation, enter the English word you want to translate to Malayalam meaning in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb. I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone) They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel) In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verb: separable and inseparable. With separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together. Phrasal Verbs List by Topics. Phrasal verbs do not simply come under one huge umbrella. Whilst they are a subject to learn in their own right, they can then be further split into sub categories such as business phrasal verbs, animal phrasal verbs, travel phrasal verbs etc.

Verb + Adverb combinations are called Phrasal Verbs.

These are the lists of Phrasal Verbs

1. ask for – demand, to somebody
Can I ask you a question?
I always ask for extra butter on bread.

2. back up – support
Make sure you back up every day.
You’ll have to back up and turn around.

3. bear with – tolerate patiently
If you will bear with me, I shall be very glad.
Please bear with me.

4. blow out – extinguish by blowing
When the window opened, the wind blew out the candle.
The electric fire has blow out.

5. blow up – explode
Suddenly the bomb blew up.
Can you help me blow up these balloons?

6. boil over – boil and flow over
The milk is boiling over now.
The situation was about to boil over.

7. break down – fail, stop
It takes a long time to break down prejudices.
The television has broken down.

8. break in – enter by force
There is a break in the gas pipe.
Children shouldn’t break in on adult’s conversation.

9. break out – start suddenly
The fire broke out at early morning.
He predicted when war would break out.

10. break up – end
The meeting broke up at 10 o’clock.
I want to break up with you.

11. bring forth – produce something
Trees bring forth fruit.
April showers bring forth May flowers.

12. bring up – raise
We need to bring up more candidates.
It’s hard for the baby to bring up wind.

13. bring out – open, publish
The spices really bring out the flavour of the paneer.
The sunshine will bring out the blossom.

14. call in – convene
Please call in a doctor immediately.
How many guests will you call in?

15. call off – cancel, withdraw
The commander decided to call off the attack.
The strike will be called off tomorrow.

16. call up – recall
We call up the arrow on the screen with the keyboard.
He is going to call up and cancel his subscription.

17. call for – require, demand
Let me transfer this call for you.
I’ll call for you at five.

18. call out – summon
I had to call out an electrician.
Let’s call out for pizza.

19. care for – like somebody
He does not care for his wife.
She cares for her children deeply.

20. carry out – execute, obey
You must carry out my orders.
He did not carry out his promise to us.

21. carry on – continue
How long can this situation carry on?
We must carry on hoping for the best.

22. catch on – become popular
It could catch on fire easily.
It’s not that hard, once you catch on to it.

23. clear up – make clean
Please, clean up the table before you leave.
Could you please clean up the living room?

24. clear away – pass away, remove
Clear away your utensils now.
We must clear away the misunderstanding.

25. clear off – go away
I am clear off the debt soon.
The morning mist will clear off soon.

26. come out – be published
Come out and get some fresh air.
When do the exam results come out?

27. come on – come with
Come on, wake up, we will late.
I can’t come on that date.

28. come down – become lower
He had come down with the fever.
Come down from there this minute!

29. cut down – reduce
Cut down your expenses.
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.

30. cut off – disconnect
The telephone wire is cut off in this house.
He cut off a small piece of bread.

31. deal in – sell something
We deal in software.
They deal in antiques.

32. dispose of – finish
They had to dispose of the opposition.
Dispose of these old television.

33. do away with – abolish
She tried to do away with herself.
He told me to do away with this old hat.

34. do without – manage in absence of someone
I can do without your advice.
You can do without all that hassle.

35. draw back – recoil
It may already be too late to draw back.
If you take part in the race, you mustn’t draw back.

36. fall off – decrease
The number of students has fallen off.
Be careful not to fall off the ladder.

37. fall out – quarrel
The drugs made her hair fall out.
I don’t like to fall out with my friends.

38. fall back – withdraw
If I lose my job, I’ll have nothing to fall back on.
At last, the enemies had to fall back.

39. fall on – attack violently
I held the belief that we would fall on our feet.
Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.

40. find out – to search
I was curious to find out what he had said.
How did you find out about the party?

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Phrasal verbs are an important part of learning the English language. Use this list when you don’t understand what the phrasal verbs mean.

Phrasal Verbs in English

Phrasal Verbs with BE

1. Be afterTry to find or get

E.g. The police are after him because of the theft.

2. Be alongArrive

E.g. The next bus should be along in the next quarter of an hour or so.

3. Be awayBe elsewhere; on holiday,…

E.g. She‘s away on business for three weeks.

4. Be down onHave negative feelings toward someone

E.g. After the argument, James is down on his boss.

5. Be down withBe ill

E.g. I didn’t go to work because I was down with the flu.

6. Be fed upBe bored, upset or sick of something

E.g. I am fed up of his complaints.

7. Be inBe at home or at work

E.g. They are never in; I always get their answerphone.

8. Be inBe submitted, arrive

E.g. The application form must be in by 3 pm on Friday.

9. Be in onBe involved in

E.g. Susan was the only one who wasn’t in on the plan.

Phrasal Verbs with UP

1. Blow upExplode

E.g. The car blew up after it crashed into the wall.

2. Build upIncrease in amount, size or intensity

E.g. We have built up the business over the years and it now employs over 20 people.

3. Burn upHave a high temperature

E.g. You’re burning up—have you seen a doctor?

4. Call upTelephone

E.g. I’m going to call up and cancel my subscription.

5. Check upTo make sure that somebody is doing what they should be doing

E.g. My mother is always checking up on me.

6. Come upHappen unexpectedly

E.g. I’m afraid I can’t make the meeting tomorrow. Something has come up.

7. Divide upDistribute

E.g. We can divide up the commission among the sales staff.

Phrasal Verbs With Meaning

8. Drive upForce up the prices or costs

E.g. The uncertainty in the markets is driving up labor costs.

9. Do upFasten up

E.g. Do you know how to do up your seat belt?

Phrasal Verbs with BREAK

1. Break offTo stop (temporarily)

Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning English

E.g. He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

2. Break offTo become separate

E.g. The back section of the train had broken off.

3. Break outTo begin suddenly (of war, fire, conflict, etc.)

E.g. They’re worried that war will break out.

4. Break throughTo successfully deal with smt that is stopping you making progress

E.g. She attempts to break through prejudice in the workplace.

5. Break upBreak into many pieces

E.g. The cup broke up when he dropped it on the floor.

6. Break out in“Sweat heavily, develop skin sores or irritation”

E.g. The measles caused me to break out in a rash.

7. Break out ofEscape

E.g. Two dangerous prisoners broke out of Dark Prison last night.

Phrasal Verbs with OUT

1. Act outPerform something with actions and gestures

E.g. They acted out the story on stage.

2. Act outExpress emotion in your behavior

E.g. Their anger is acted out in their antisocial behavior.

3. Back out ofNot keep an agreement/arrangement

E.g. We’re hoping that no one will back out of the deal.

4. Check outLeave a hotel

E.g. Joan had already checked out of the hotel.

5. Cut outRemove completely

E.g. He’s cut out all the fat from his diet and he’s a lot slimmer.

6. Draw outTo persuade someone to express their thoughts

E.g. Can you draw out the plans?

7. Find outDiscover some information

E.g. Did she find out about the party?

8. Hand outDistribute, to give, pass out

E.g. The teacher handed out the English books to the students.

Phrasal Verbs with OVER

1. Carry overTo transport over by carrying

E.g. We carried this house model over the bridge.

2. Carry overTo transfer (something) to a later point in time

E.g. The rent was carried over to December.

3. Change overTo make a transition from one system to another

E.g. The farm has changed over to organic methods.

4. Fall overTo stop working suddenly

E.g. My computer keeps falling over.

5. Hand overGive something to somebody with your hands

E.g. The captured thief was ordered to hand over his gun.

6. Make overTo convert to a different use

E.g. We’re going to make over the garage into a guest suite.

7. Pass overTo by pass or skip (something)

E.g. They chose to pass over her rude remarks.

8. Pull overDrive to the side of the road and stop your car

E.g. When she noticed the police car behind her, she pulled over.

Phrasal Verbs with FALL

1. Fall aboutLaugh so much that one’s entire body moves somewhat uncontrollably

Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning100 most common phrasal verbs list with meaning in malayalam

E.g. Every time he performed the trick people would fall about laughing.

2. Fall apartDisintegrate

E.g. My old briefcase is falling apart. I’ll have to buy a new one.

3. Fall awayCease to support a person or cause

E.g. After the divorce, all his friends fell away one by one.

4. Fall back onUse something for support in a difficult situation

E.g. I have $10000 in my savings to fall back on.

5. Fall behindBe late (for a regular event)

E.g. You’re falling behind with the rent.

6. Fall downFall to the ground, to collapse

Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning

E.g. The beams supporting the roof had rotted, causing the entire house to fall down.

7. Fall forFall in love with someone

E.g. He really fell for the attractive waitress at his favorite restaurant.

8. Fall inCollapse inwards

E.g. The heavy rain caused the roof to fall in.

9. Fall intoBe classified as; to fall under

E.g. That falls into three categories.


10. Fall offBecome detached or to drop from

E.g. A button fell off my coat.

Phrasal Verbs with PUT

1. Put acrossExplain or state something clearly and understandably

E.g. All good communicators try to use popular, well-understood examples to put across complex ideas

2. Put asideSave (money)

E.g. I try to put a few dollars aside each week, just in case I need money in an emergency

3. Put awayTake a large lead in a game, especially enough to guarantee victory

E.g. They put the game away by scoring three touchdowns in the fourth quarter

4. Put backReturn something to its original place

E.g. He carefully put the vase back on the shelf

5. Put byPreserve food by canning, freezing, drying, …

E.g. Our family has been putting food by for generations

Phrasal Verbs with BRING

1. Bring aboutMake something happen

E.g. Social changes that have been brought about by new technology.

2. Bring alongBring someone or something to certain place

E.g. You can bring your friends along if you like.

3. Bring aroundBring something with you when you visit

E.g. He brought some books around when he came last night.

4. Bring downMake something cheaper/ to reduce

E.g. The improvements in technology have brought the prices of computers down considerably.

5. Bring forthRemove something from where it is kept or hidden

E.g. She brought forth the diary and showed it to us.

6. Bring forwardMake something happen earlier than originally planned

E.g. The meeting has been brought foward to this Friday instead of next week.

Phrasal Verbs with the Word LOOK

1. Look afterWatch or protect; to keep safe

E.g. He asked me to look after his daughter while he was away

Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meanings

2. Look toSeek inspiration or advice or reward from someone

E.g. Whenever I’m upset, I look to Mary to cheer me up.

3. Look forSearch for; to seek

E.g. He spent his life looking for the truth

4. Look intoInvestigate, explore, or consider

E.g. If you are buying a new car, you might want to look into getting a hybrid or other high-efficiency vehicle

5. Look outLook from within to the outside

E.g. Look out, and you will see the rain has stopped.

Phrasal Verbs with PULL

1. Pull AwayGain in distance

E.g. She pulled away just as he was about to kiss her.

2. Pull Downdemolish

E.g. They pulled down the old sports stadium to build a new one.

3. Pull Forsupport; especially teams

E.g. Who are you pulling for in the cup finals?

4. Pull Intrain or bus arrival at a station

E.g. The train pulled in right on time.

5. Pull Offmanage to do

E.g. The Yankees pulled off a great upset in the finals.

6. Pull Overstop a vehicle by the side of the road

E.g. We pulled over to check our tires as something was making a funny sound on the car.

100 Most Common Phrasal Verbs List With Meaning In Malayalam

7. Pull Throughrecover from and illness

E.g. We didn’t know if he was going to pull through but in the end he did.

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