Neopets Quick Adopt Link

Adopt a Pet Adoption Center The Neopian Pound is filled with thousands of pets that are waiting for a new owner to take care of them. If you have a kind heart and want to make a difference for a pet, you could decide to adopt one. Step by Step Adoption Tutorial.

  1. Neopets Quick Adopt Links
  2. Neopets Quick Adopt Link
  3. Neopets Pound Quick Adopt Link

Other Guide – Transferring a Pet

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Other Guide – Transferring a Pet

by kardchaos

If you want to know the secrets to safely transfer a NeoPet between two accounts than this is your guide!

Step One: Safety check
First of all, have a NeoPet to transfer . And don’t forget, you can only abandon one NeoPet per day. Go to the account you want to receive the NeoPet and make sure you have three or less NeoPets since you can’t have more than four NeoPets in one account. Also make sure you have enough money to adopt the pet. You can see how much you need on the third step.

Step Two: The two ways to transfer a pet
There are two ways to transfer a pet. With two people on different computers and, the other one, with just one person on one computer. In the first case the main thing to do is set a transfer hour. You have to settle an hour to abandon the pet. When that time comes, the NeoPet should be abandoned immediatly and the person who is getting the NeoPet should be constantly refreshing the quick adopt link until he/she gets the pet. If you want to transfer a NeoPet using only one computer you should have two different browsers like Inernet Explorer and Netscape. Don’t forget that Avant Browser and Internet Explorer are like one browser only! In one of the browsers you have to be with the account where the NeoPet to transfer is, and in the other one you have to be logged in with the account you want your NeoPet to go with the quick adopt link in one page. On the first account, realease the NeoPet and quickly change to the second one, where you will keep refreshing the quick adopt link until you get the pet. Do this very quickly!

Step Three: Quick Adopt Link?! Wah’z dat?
The quick adopt link is a pretty useful link that allows you to get a NeoPet from the pound instantly. Here it is:
The name of the NeoPet you wish to adopt goes at the end. So, if you wish to adopt a NeoPet with the name ilikejellosomuch15 the link should stay like this: pet_name=ilikejellosomuch15
If you’re too lazy to copy all that use this simple script:

This link can also be used to tell you how much money you need to adopt a pet. Simply put all your NP’s in the bank and try to adopt that pet. The message should go like this:
ERROR : You need x Neopoints to adopt ilikejellosomuch15!
Don’t forget to check everything carefully before any trade and have safe transfers!

Some content © All other images, likenesses, names © and/or TM Neopets, Inc. 2001-2005.

This page is under construction
Info required on newly implemented 'transfer' option, and review on old infos.

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The Neopian Pound is a place you can go to disown your Neopets or adopt a new one. Once disowned, any Neopet can be adopted by another user. The exception to this rule is the Lutari which will run off to parts unknown when abandoned.

In April 2007, the Pound was closed to accommodate for the addition of pet customisation. It was not reopened until April 2008, when a new Transfer feature was added. As a result, pet trading was officially condoned by the Neopets Team and has since become a major activity on the site.

Adopting a Pet[edit]

To adopt a pet, you simply go to the pound. The link can be found on the Pet Central page. Click on the Adopt Door. Three random pets will appear. If you like the pet and its description, click the Adopt button below. A small cost will be deducted from your on-hand neopoints. The exact price is determined by its characteristics (color, statistics, etc.). To look at another random pet, click the Find a Neopet at Random button below.

Additionally, you can use the Adopt-A-Pet Search Engine (the link is near the top of the page). If you see a Neopet that you like, you can use the search engine to look up its name. Once you have found a pet using the search engine, click on the image of the pet to adopt it.

Pets that are above level 2, are limited-edition species, or that have been painted with certain rare or expensive paintbrushes, CANNOT be adopted by any account younger than four months. So be careful when abandoning a pet, if you're planning on trying to re-adopt it!

Abandoning a Pet[edit]

To abandon a pet, you simply go to the pound. The link can be found on the Pet Central page. Click on the yellow Techo. Click the button below your pet repeatedly until your pet is disowned. You can also create a PIN for use in this area.


Neopets that are above level 2, are Limited Edition species, or that have been painted with certain rare or expensive paintbrushes, CANNOT be adopted by any account younger than four months. So be careful when abandoning a pet, if you're planning on trying to re-adopt it!

A bold coloured Neopet may be adopted by anyone (checkered, black, white, pink, basic colours, etc.) but colours that change a Neopet's total appearance (darigan, baby, royal, etc.) can only be adopted by a member with an account over 4 months.

A Lutari cannot be adopted under any circumstances.

Transferring a Pet[edit]

When neopets change ownership from one person or account to another, it is called transferring. Until 2008, pets were transferred through the Neopian Pound, a process which carried the risk of losing the pet to a 'pound surfer.' However, the Neopets Team has since introduced a new feature to safely transfer neopets to other accounts. Users are allotted a number of incoming and outgoing transfers per month, depending on the age of their account. For example, a 36-month-old account can transfer two pets out as well as accept transfers for two pets coming in.

Account Age Number of Transfers
0 - 23 months 1 transfer
24 - 47 months 2 transfers
48 - 71 months 3 transfers
72 - 95 months 4 transfers
96-119 months 5 transfers
120+ months 6 transfers

Users can transfer pets at the Neopian Pound. The fee is 1000 neopoints for the person sending the neopet; the receiving end pays a fee calculated from the pet's level, strength, and defense statistics. If a transfer is not accepted within three days, the pet is returned to the original owner, who still loses a transfer for the month.

Some users may choose to transfer their pet through the Pound anyway. While this does not use up a transfer for the month, it is riskier, and wearable items, including paint brush clothing, are removed from the pet. As the 'quick-adopt' link no longer works, the adopter must manually type in the pet's name in the search bar to adopt it.

The same pet restrictions for accounts under 4 months apply to both methods.


  • In the Editorial of issue 242 of the Neopian Times, it was revealed Battledome weapons attached to the Neopet while it goes to the pound remain attached. This has since been discontinued, and the equipped weapons will be placed in the users inventory upon going to the pound. A Petpet attached to the Neopet will still remain however.

External links[edit]

  • Neopedia:Dr_Death
  • NeoDeck:Dr_Death
  • Help File:Adopting and Disowning FAQ
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